Ah, lawn mowing season is coming! Or at my house, it was "accidently run over most of the little saplings my husband had planted" season. They were very little saplings, heavy sigh. And then there was the time our riding mower got hitched up on the old stone retaining wall. It was teetering and ready to pitch over and crash 4 ft. below--which, granted, isn't much of a drop for a cat, but not good for mechanical things.
My son, Brad, and I were trying to tie a rope from the bumper of our Subaru to the seat of the lawnmower when God sent two angels in muscle shirts to our rescue. These guys were driving past and their girlfriends made them stop and help us out. Thank you, Jesus, for those girlfriends. I can just hear them, "You pull over and help that poor lady before she kills herself!"
With a couple of their power lifts they got that lawn mower up and over the stone it was hitched on, rolled it up the hill, jumped back in their car and flew off before I could offer them a $ or a cup of tea. But there's always the question of whether or not your lawnmower will even start in the spring. So lets make sure your lawnmower is ready to roll.
This link will give you a general idea of what you should be looking at, or what you should get the neighbor boy to do. http://www.hgtv.com/home-improvement/lawnmower-maintenance/index.html Oh, and make sure the mower is turned OFF before you do this, OK? Help out other widows by sending in your favorite single-living tips or lawnmower survival stories to: WCplace@gmail.com ♥ ferree
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ReplyDeleteGreat story.I am thankful to have a neighbour who wants to take care of the lawn for me.