Thursday, June 3, 2010

Widow Connection Ministry Site

Dear Reader,

Thursday posts tell about help for widows. It might be an organization, book, or website. I hope that as we go along this page will become one of the most valuable parts of the blog as it collects little known, but faithful and essential, ministries to widows all over the country, maybe even the world! If you have benefitted from such a help, please let me know about it.

Here is a website I am more impressed with each time I visit. Yesterday I posted a bit of the founder's own story. So today, as I promised, is the link to the website. It's got connections to widow's stories, helpful sites, and how to start a widows ministry at your own chuch. Seriously consider everything on this site!

Thank you, Miriam, for letting God shine through you! May we all do the same!

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