Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rest in God's Omnipotence

One last mention of Gracia Burnham this week . . . I can imagine some of you putting your hands over your ears like Jan of the old "Brady Bunch" when she would whine in dismay Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! Do I hear a Gracia, Gracia, Gracia? Oh, I'm so sorry, dear reader! But what I've shared this week is just a glimpse ---she is a rich resource of wisdom and encouragement in suffering! Come back to her when you're ready.
Let me close out this week with a quote from Gracia's book, To Fly Again, page 13. Let her words come close, and may the Lord rest your mind and spirit this weekend.
 . . . He has a thousand ways to sustain us through our darkest hours. Life sometimes throws us vicious surprises--but he is not surprised. He stands ready to shower us with his love that "endures forever . . . through all generations." 
     The poet J.J. Lynch wrote:
Say not, my soul, "From whence
Can God relieve my care?"
Remember that Onmipotence
Hath servants everywhere.
     I think of that whenever God sends someone to help me, a widow and single mother, these days. Whenever someone shows me how to reprogram my home's security code or sends me an encouraging card or gives me a song to lift my spirit, I say to myself, Ah, yes--Omnipotence hath servants everywhere. I never know when one of these is going to show up. And neither do you.
Praying for 'servant sightings' in your life this weekend.


  1. SHe calls them servants,I have been calling them 'angels in blue jeans'.God has them ready at our service all the time.

  2. I've been blessed with many supportive people. This morning, a neighbor cleared my front walk and the path to my house with his snowblower. Thank you, Father!

  3. It seems that anytime that I start to slip in a "I don't care" state, God sends someone in my path or to my door that cares. And I know that "someone" is God, even as I sit here at the computer, "someone" sent me these words of rememberance that I have truly been blessed my a supportive family, a few good friend, and he holds my hand, every day, all day.
    Thank you.

  4. I, for one, never tire of hearing how God has worked in the lives of His people, especially the examples you share, of evidence of God's Faithfulness in the lives of widows. I have been the recipient of my Heavenly Husband's Love and Provision from many people with "servant" hearts. I pray that God blesses them as they have blessed me. You are one of those "servants" as you encourage us with your daily posts here! Thank you for all you do for us, Ferree!
    Hugs, Renee'

  5. "Omnipotence hath servants everywhere . . ." and what a joy to hear how each of has experienced His watchcare and faithfulness to you. God comforts us in all our sorrows, and like Renee', I never tire of these stories, either. Thank you for your kind comments, each of you, they encourage me! God bless you all.

  6. I stand amazed at how He does supply just the right thing at just the right time through just the right vessel(s).


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