Even the saddest things can become, once we have made peace with them, a source of wisdom and strength for the journey that still lies ahead.
(Frederick Buechner, from the book "A Grace Disguised," by Jerry Sittser, pg. 92)
♥ Joannah When Michael told me he wanted to "take care of me".
That just melted my heart because it showed how kind and nurturing he was.

♥ Maria With Kevin, it was a day after our first date and he showed up at my dorm on his motorcycle carting a dozen roses and a bottle of wine - then proceeded to serenade me on his guitar. My heart went to a place unknown, and still goes there when I think of him, even though he is with the Lord. Funny thing is, we were not fans of Valentine's Day. We did "Song of Solomon" day instead! ;)
♥ Joann Our first official date was Dec 15, 1981. Two weeks later on New Years's eve, Mark told me that if I made it through 1982 with him, I would not finish 1983 as a single woman. We both knew from that night on that we both knew we would be married and we did in March of 83. In 27 years we never doubted it once, and it was strong and good till his death parted us.
♥ Cindy A.With Nelson, it was when he moved cross country to live closer to me. We had dated for 3 years in NJ. He was not growing up...we were 21 at the time. So I decided to move to CA and have some fun being single. Well after a year, he couldn't stand it anymore and he moved cross country himself to prove to me that he had grown up and changed. He did...and we were soon engaged and married a year later. Happily married for 11 years!!.....With Joseph, I knew we were going to get married on our first date. We were at a Chinese restaurant and I just knew it!! It took him 7 more years to propose but I got him! He actually put the ring in a fortune cookie after we had a Chinese dinner! So sweet! And happily married now for 2 and a half years!!
Talk on! When did you fall in love?♥♥♥
Talk on! When did you fall in love?♥♥♥
When Jake's car turned unto the driveway,I knew this was the man I would marry.I had known him for several years and resisted his advances,but on that day,after much prayer,I knew he was all I ever wanted.38 ½ years later God needed him in heaven.I miss you so much my love.
ReplyDeleteI just "knew"that Buck was the answer to my prayers on our day-long first date to Skyline Drive. He was a gentle, warm, fun, handsome, manly man, who had his priorities right: loving his Lord above all else! I had to look away so he wouldn't see the tears rolling down my cheeks, as we drove through the mountains, on the day I fell in love with him. When he took me back, to propose on a mountain-top just seven months later, he confessed that he too, had turned away to hide his tears of joy! Buck was the best gift the Lord ever gave to me, and i miss him and his love more than I can express!.
ReplyDeleteThese love stories are wonderful--Ruth and Renee' --you were truly blessed!
ReplyDeletematt and I didn't celebrate valentine's day. However - it coincides with large events in our becoming Us. We'd been courting for months - strictly platonic (ahem). One day he came into the coffee shop and asked if I wanted some meat - see, we'd planned to have dinner with a mutual friend, and when they cancelled, he still had a pork roast defrosted, and in his very nervous way, was actually asking if I would have dinner with him. When I said yes, he rushed out, forgetting his keys, saying he had to go get started on dinner right away. He came back in to get his keys, and I told him I would eventually need to know where he lived. He had no idea it was valentines day. I didn't point it out until much later, as it isn't a holiday I celebrate. For him, he also just rarely noticed the date.
ReplyDeleteAnyway. Three days later, I cooked dinner for him. The next day we went to a movie and, without saying a word, he picked up my hand in the darkness and just held it. Through the whole movie. That was the beginning. 7 years ago this week.
My husband Duke and I had our 1st date when we were 16. We went to a movie. For the life of me, I can't remember what movie it was, but it cost 25 cents to get in, and he called his mom from a pay phone to come pick us up when it was over. Showing my age here. We married at 21, so young, and had 3 children. We were married 40 years when he died. We didn't really celebrate Valentine's day. My birthday is the day before. Duke has been gone for 6 years, and I miss him as much now as the day he died.