Thursday, October 4, 2012

Resource: Fasting

No matter what you thought of the debates last night, I want to share this challenge given by a pastor in my town this past Sunday. Whether you fast about the election, or the many other needs around you, here is the best "how to" about fasting I've come across. Read the entire article here.  

Beginning October 1, I want to challenge every member to fast and pray one day each week until after the election.
Pray specifically for our nation, the election and the "peace of Jerusalem" (Psa.122:6). Also use this time to pray for specific needs in your own life—like deliverance from a besetting sin, the bondage of an addiction, sinful emotional habits or thought patterns. Don’t forget to intercede for lost or erring family and friends. Here are a few suggestions to make this time effective:

Select one day each week
during October to fast and pray.

Choose a type of fast:
An absolute fast (no food or water), a liquid fast (water and/or juice), or a partial fast (only certain foods like vegetables). If you have health concerns, check with your doctor before any rigorous fasting.

Determine how long you intend to fast
(I usually fast from after dinner until sunset the next day, or about 24 hours).

Hunger is your call to prayer.
Every time you are conscious of being hungry during the day, pray about things that concern you… sort of an ongoing prayer.

Spend the time you would otherwise be eating (breakfast, lunch) in prayer and fasting.

Be especially conscious to humble yourself before the Lord and seek Him.



  1. Ferree, Thank you for your solid encouragement on this website. I'm thankful you point us in directions that will truly bless our lives. I try and really put to practice what you suggest and I've always been encouraged that I know it's the right thing!! Thanks again

  2. Thanks so much, Debbie! May the Lord really bless you in your walk with Him! It's a huge privilege and honor for me to be able to share the comfort and true source of encouragement God has given me. God is good, and He is faithful to complete the plans He has for each of us.


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