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♥ ferree
When I heard the news yesterday I was with a friend who knew people in Boston and was very concerned and upset. My reaction was so different from hers---I found myself immediately frustrated and angry. So much so that I couldn't even pray. These horrors are becoming too common; they disgust and dismay me to the hilt. After some hours I softened to the suffering of the innocent victims, but my prayers were only laments of "How could anyone do this? And why, God, why?"
ReplyDeleteAnd now, seasoned as I am in sharing in the suffering of others, I dive in and accept the heartache and the tears. I use them to approach my God and High Priest who is acquainted with grief, and I beg for His mercy and justice. As I come before Him, I discover He goes before me---there is much work to be done, and this is our calling as widows and those who know suffering---to pray and to work, to work and to pray--not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Eph. 5.16) He is with me, and I am not afraid. Amen.
Oh, it saddens me so to see the evil in the world and that the devil is at work. But, I know God is at work so the devil has to 'show' his works to the people even more. God can and will use this tragedy to His good. I pray for the families of the victims that God will use it to bless them, perhaps lead them to Him. Satan is at work. But, beware...God is in control!
ReplyDeleteI just wept, sitting seeing the devastation on tv, on the faces of those, there. Eventually, I prayed for all those affected. I hope those who caused this are found, quickly.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Babs and Billie!
ReplyDeleteToday was the "Day of Remembrance" at Virginia Tech, so combined with my own personal loss and the Boston events, the emotional load is especially heavy.
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was "Many lives were just changed in a moment's time. Someone just became a widow or widower. Others will now be dealing with PTSD. OH! The grief of it all!"
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for the family of the eight year old son, for those who lost limbs, for those whose lives are changed forever emotionally and physically. Yes, my personal loss makes me much more atuned to and saddened by the losses of others. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
ReplyDeleteOur world is full of suffering, pain, trials, sorrows, griefs and tribulations. But Jesus said "be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.
ReplyDeleteSatan who is the prince of the power of the air is a roaring lion not out to hurt, but to steal, kill and destroy ALL the good in this world.
When I say Satan is the Prince of the Power of the air this means- ALL OF THE AIR which incluces the Air waves - the cell phones - the internet - the newspapers - the magazines- the violent video games - the television - the movie theaters, the radio, I'pods, advertising on our highway billboards- facebook - the avenues are endless and our media ONLY gloriies and lifts up the evil filth and jeers at that which is righteous and good and pure.
Jesus said "no matter how dark the hour, how intense the pain, I am there.
Jeremiah says - if you look for me you will find me, if you search for me with all your heart, yes you will find me even in the midst of sorrow.
The name of God may be scoffed and be-littled, jeered and taken out of the pledge allegiance, out of our schools - Hollywood makes jokes and ridicules.
_____ anonymous
think about it, what a warfair the christian has in keeping and maintaining the mind of Christ. - '
The first time Christ came, he came as a lamb - but the next time He will come as a LION!
ReplyDeleteIs is a frightful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. anonymous
I pray that God is with all the families who have lost a loved one. I need to remind myself that others are feeling the loss of a loved one same as all of us. Our God is with them and us and I pray for all of the families for their pain.
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was not one of unbelief because we have become a nation of angry people over the past decade at least. The creator of heaven and earth has been mocked, blasphemed, discarded, belittled. He has become a genie in a bottle to many Christians. Yes I must say I am guilty but God has brought me back to what is important in my prayers. It is not my wish list, my healing list, my instruction to Him on how to fix my problems. This incident did not take God by surprise. He will use it for His Glory and our good. He wants our prayers to be focused on HIM, Jesus Christ and His glory. That is hard for us weak humans still living in our earthly bodies. Only by the strength of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's guidance can we reach His plan for each of us. These almost daily events I believe are calling the church to refocus on what is important.
ReplyDeleteMy heart just breaks for the people who were there, those that were hurt, and the families who lost their loved ones to such a cruel and uncalled for act of violence.
Then, there is that heartbreaking affect it has on everyone else around the world as they read and watch and try to make sense of something that is just so wrong.
It is rare that I get angry; but I don't understand how a person can do such a horrible thing like this knowing that people will die, people will get hurt, and people will suffer. I agree with you Ferree; these are horrors are becoming all too common.
I have a very difficult time with the media. When I see close up pictures online of injured people; I just think that is so disrespectful of the media. I mean if that were me and I was hurt like that; I would not want the media in my face taking a picture of my torn limb. I have no respect for the media sometimes.
I know God is working hard in everyone's heart right now.
All I can keep thinking of is Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."