Friday, June 14, 2013

Redeeming the Time

This is a video of some Philadelphia Orchestra musicians who's plane was delayed and sitting on the tarmac for three hours. Instead of complaining the entire time, take a look at how they redeemed the time.

A lot of good wisdom can be applied during our time of widowhood. Often it's disguised in phrases that seem trite because of the pain, but I urge you set that aside for a moment and consider ways to "when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade," and "Practice random acts of kindness."

Consider how God would prompt you. And as you begin to join God in redeeming the time, you might not play the violin, but the circumstances you are stuck in will take on a new and better meaning and you'll be ready to fly again before you know it.  
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15,16 (NIV)


  1. So very true! God has laid it on my heart to also thank Him for the difficult moments, the moments I would not choose and do not always understand; because He can redeem those moments as well. Now if I can remember that as I deal with one of my headaches which I woke up with this morning!

  2. Dear Sharon, I'm so sorry you woke up with a headache. They happen to me too. Those are the days I find God wants me to redeem the day with resting in Him. I do what I'm able to, but the other stuff I have to let go---it's God's problem! Which is silly on my part, because I can turn it all over to Him, all the time, not just when I have a headache... I'm learning. :) I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Ferree,

    I just love this post! Of course practicing Radom Acts of Kindness is something that has always been important to me.

    I know for sure that when your heart is heavy with pain, doing something to make another person smile or feel cared for can help lighten up that pain in your heart; even if it's only for a moment.

    God loves to have us do unto show His love through our words and actions.

    I have seen some amazing women within the groups that have turned their lemons into lemonade. I've seen what God has led or is leading them to do. (including you).

    I know we ask God to help us and we tell him what we need. I sometimes wonder what would happen if we asked what we can do for Him today. Who can we reach out to today? Who can we Pray for today? How can I help someone today God?

    Thanks Ferree..really loved today's post. ♥ the way....when I get lemons, I trade them in for Chocolate. :)

  4. Dear Swans, that's a good idea---lemons for chocolate. I think that could amp up the motivation for many women! Your comments make me smile.


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