Monday, June 24, 2013

Widowhood: A Wilderness Journey

In the midst of grieving, with chaotic emotions, crucial decision-making, and stress that tops the Richter scale, its important to realize that for the Christian, life is a pilgrimage and widowhood is a journey through a wilderness.

What will we encounter in the wilderness of widowhood?  

We'll stumble upon many of the same things people in the Bible went through in their wilderness journeys. Abraham and Sarah, Hagar, Jacob, Moses, the tribes of Israel, Naomi and Ruth, David, many of the prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul and many others travelled wilderness roads in their lives. They met head on with:

Solitude and silence

Some widows have church and friends who don't realize she faces many of the same challenges. They just think she's just sad, or "stuck." They urge her to get over it and to move on. They don't understand the bigger picture of wilderness travel.

But just like the wanderers in the Bible discovered, the wilderness means more for the widow too.

Abraham and Sarah met God and angels
Hagar was rescued by God
Jacob wrestled with God and was given a new name
Moses spoke with God
Israel saw miracle after miracle
Naomi and Ruth were led to their redeemer
David was victorious
The prophets were given messages from God
John the Baptist prepared his nation to meet their Savior
Jesus was tempted and victorious
Paul was educated even more, and filled with the Holy Spirit

The wilderness is a hard place, no one can disagree. No one enjoys the wilderness, but encountering God? Isn't that priceless?

Widows, we have paid too high a price for this wilderness journey. We didn't ask for it, but neither have we asked for or anticipated the treasured encounters that can be ours!

Go back over the words highlighted in blue. Which ones will you watch for as you journey through this wilderness today?

"Your faith is being tested, but your future is magnificent!" (noted in I Peter 1, J.B Phillips Translation)


  1. Great post. I want to be Victorious!!!


    1. Dear Lorraine, You might not always feel like it, but you've proven to me many times already that you ARE victorious! It's those little decisions... the first step/the one step in the right direction... choosing to be thankful... creating beauty with your art... You're doing it! ♥

  2. Ferree,

    What a wonderful post! I cannot see what's highlighted in blue on my you'll have to excuse me if I sound a little off. (well, more then usual) :)

    I think for me it would be the "tempted and victorious"

    During this wilderness journey you encounter many things like you have listed above...Solitude and silence, Loneliness, Hunger, Temptation, Hardship, and Threats. As you encounter these things in your journey, your Faith is tested.

    The temptation to give up or give in sets inside your heart and so the battle inside begins.

    As I continue to stand firm in my Faith through the battle; I know my Faith will win in the end.

    In Psalm 138:3 it says..When I cried out for help, you answered me. You made me bold and energized me.

    I have cried out often and God has always answered in His way; even if I don't understand.

    As I continue my journey through the wilderness and as I continue my battles from within, I can't help but think of this Bible verse.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.


  3. Just this morning during my quiet time, my study was:

    Hosea 2:14 NIV
    I am now going to allure her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.

    As God's love draws us into the wilderness, he knows there will be nothing to distract us, and in this desert wilderness the loving presence of the Lord becomes everything to us, so we may regain and be restored to our first love. He remembers our frailness and pours upon us his tender mercies and his love gently unholds us.

    I am now going to allure her into the wilderness, and it is there I will speak ~tenderness to her~.

    What a comforting promise to us wilderness widows.


  4. Deaer Dodi and Cathy, That word 'wilderness' strikes such a chord in all of us, and I love how God uses its picture to encourage us in so many ways. His work in your hearts, and how he speaks to you each with His Word is a blessing and awesome wonder to me. wow!


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