Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One Widow to Another DVD

A little over a month ago over 100 people responded to the limited, one-time offer of a free DVD series for widows groups! (sorry, but it's over now)
http://www.widowschristianplace.com/2013/08/1000-widows.html  You should have received your set by now and I was wondering if you liked it? What were your thoughts?

Please join me in continuing to pray that when these DVD's are viewed and shared they'll reach over 1000 (one thousand) widows in the coming months, OK?

And, if you received this free offer, please comment below to mention how you plan to use your set and pass it along. I'm sure Miriam Neff of Widow Connection will appreciate all of our feedback.
If you prefer, email me at WCplace@gmail.com Thank you so much!

PS--I should have mentioned that although the freebies are all gone, the DVD series is still available for a limited time at half price!--- only $29.50. To order or to see some previews, click here for Widow Connection: http://www.widowconnection.com/Help/Help/fowtaDVD.html


  1. My copy was donated to my local church for future use.

  2. I personally like constructive feedback so I'll offer some in love, hoping it is helpful.

    I've not got a lot of time, and I felt like the video moved slowly. I spent much time multi-tasking while listening. If I was in a small-group setting, my mind would likely have wandered, but I would still have found it useful/edifying.

    As a young widow, I felt a lot of the content applied better to empty-nesters and older widows. I know that special interest was given to those of us with younger children, but Miriam's perspective is her own and comes through the rest of the time. The ideas about finding things to do with "free time" like volunteering, work, and new patterns work much better for those with older children. Much of my life is the same and will be for a long time (noting each unique situation...I happen to be "blessed" by very slow development and many young ones to keep me in this stage a nice, long, lonely time). I realize my grief is "fresh" and that I don't have a "God print" beyond my vocation. I don't see beauty, adventure, or opportunities right now, and I don't think anyone ought to expect anything different from me. It isn't poor perspective. It is realistic suffering in a fallen world. I do not deny that my picture will change and that there is beauty to be seen daily and more ahead. Only God has that plan in mind. It might seem awfully negative to some, but I prefer realistic expectations to uncertain ones. Eternity is promised, not a lack of suffering this side of it. (off soapbox...thank you Miriam, for sharing your talents and this video series, and Ferree, as always).

  3. Dear RM, Your insights are so valuable and gracious in the midst of extreme challenges and I want you to know I appreciate your taking time to share them. Thank you so much!


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