Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Fun: Something to Look Forward To

Ferree's book, "Postcards From The Widow's Path"
goes on sale Feb. 1!
Everybody gets the group rate of $11.99!
PLUS even though the price of stamps
goes up next week, 
the shipping rate will stay the same!
This is her once-a-year sale
 so I don't want you to miss it!


  1. I would like to get one for the minister of a church I visit, so put me down for one.

    I hope the squirrel is not included...

  2. Dear Swans, I hadn't thought to include a squirrel with each order but now that you mention it.... I've got plenty to go around! LOL

  3. How does this work? there are 4 of us in our widow's group who would like to purchase the books.

  4. Dear Anonymous, That's wonderful that you have a widow's group! I think you'll really appreciate going through my book together. On Saturday I'll have a Paypal button set up specifically for the sale. Check back then, you'll see it easily. If you'd rather pay by check, email me at and I'll give you the info you need. Thank you :)


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