Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Financial Guidebook for Widows

Moving Forward On Your Own--A Financial Guidebook for Widows was written by a woman who was a financial planner before her husband, a Lutheran minister, died in 2007. Now she devotes her business exclusively to helping widows.
Here's a newspaper article about it, which is where I first heard the story. Financial planner's own experience helps her guide widows in money matters Be sure to read the article for some very helpful Q & A's. Kathleen Rehl is also featured in the stories on Widow Connection.

I must say, it is a beautiful book! Filled with colorful artwork and budget basics, it takes on the unusual task of helping a widow reconcile her feelings about her values and finances. It's not a Bible-based book, its more for a secular audience. But it will help sort out some money issues, and it would serve as a lovely gift to a recent widow of any faith.


  1. Perfect timing, Ferree! Thank you for sharing this resource as I believe it can be helpful for me. With God's guidance, I have been given His assurance that my financial needs will be met. Yet, I believe when an offering of interest comes along (I also feel it is in God's plan to help me) to check out. This author has "walked the walk" as a widow, and this alone gets my attention. Is she selling her book online?

  2. Hi Sheila, I love the timing! The book may be ordered straight from her website, and I see it's even on sale right now! yay! :) http://www.mcssl.com/SecureCart/ViewCart.aspx?mid=3754EA4C-DB3E-460A-B195-B44519B40A61&sctoken=0d65aec322724109996952fd12dbc3fb&bhcp=1
    (Disclaimer: I receive no perks or distributions from the sale of this product, nor is my featuring any author on this blog ever a blanket endorsement for all their work)

  3. Sorry, Sheila, that link didn't copy into the comment box too well. Just click the first line of the book title in the post above and that will take you to her website and you can get the sale price there. Don't click the book itself though because that takes you to Amazon without the sale price. (I'll try to disable that link) Hope this isn't too confusing.


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