The Widows of Christmas

1:1-16 (The Message)
Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob,
had Judah and his brothers,
had Perez and Zerah (the mother was Tamar),
had Hezron . . .
. . Nahshon had Salmon,
had Boaz (his mother was Rahab),
had Obed (Ruth was the mother),
Obed had Jesse, Jesse had David,
and David became king.
David had Solomon (Uriah's wife was the mother),
had Rehoboam,
Rehoboam had Abijah . . .. . . Amon had Josiah,
Josiah had Jehoiachin and his brothers,
and then the people were taken into the Babylonian exile.
When the Babylonian exile ended,
had Shealtiel,
Shealtiel had Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel had Abiud . . .
. . . Matthan had Jacob,
Jacob had Joseph, Mary's husband,
the Mary who gave birth to Jesus,
the Jesus who was called Christ.
What's so important about a list of names?
First of all, it's one of the few that
includes women. As you know, women were often overlooked, illiterate and
uneducated in Bible times. And it's still that way in certain places today. But
here, in the very lineage of Christ Jesus, women are mentioned! They many not
have seemed significant to their local culture, but women were significant to
God and deemed so important that He inspired Scripture to recall them from one
generation to another. God's plan for YOU might be something that will reach to
generation after generation!
Secondly, take a look at these five women:
- Four of them were widows---Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba (Uriah's wife), and Mary (according to legend and the omission of Joseph's name in later accounts of Christ's life).
- Two of them were foreigners---Tamar and Ruth.
- Two of them knew what it was like to bear the gossip of a questionable pregnancy--Tamar and Mary.
- Two of them had to turn to prostitution to support themselves---Rahab and Tamar (she disguised herself as a prostitute).
- One of them suffered an affair, the murder of her husband, and the death of a child--Bathsheba.
- Not ONE of them had a perfect life.
He does the very same for you. The same can be said for you: God knows you, He
sees your pain, He highly esteems you, He chose you, He draws you to Himself,
calls you His own and places you in His own glorious family!
4:4-7 (New Living Translation)
But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.
God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children.
And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.”
Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.
8:18 (New Living Translation)
Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.
pray that these truths will sink deep into the furrows of your pain this
Christmas and spring forth with the sweet fruit of peace and joy. Please let me know
how I can best pray for you at this time.
♥ ferree
Thank you, Ferree! During the busyness of the holiday, it is important to be reminded of the widows that walked before us and of God's love for them.
ReplyDeleteThere is much truth in the saying, "Behind every good man, there's a good woman" (of strength).