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Thanks for considering Postcards from the Widows' Path.
♥ ferree
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By the way, here's a peek at some of the mail and reviews I get about Postcards from the Widows' Path...
Thank you so much for mailing your book promptly to me. It was another time God was helping me. It arrived just as the blizzard was starting last Thursday. I was so down as this was the first snowstorm without my husband. I live in the country and was feeling very alone and isolated and remembering the wonderful times my husband and I had together in blizzards. The book's arrival was my bright spot in the storm. I have read the book and think it is one of the best I've read and I have read many on death and grieving. I could hardly put it down. -Deb
I am finding your book so helpful. I have been using it as my daily devotional... even though I have been a widow for almost a year and a half, your book gave me new insights and direction. -Linda
This book touched my heart at a time when it was hurting so much. I have read and re-read this book and still get so much insight each time I read it. it gives me hope that even in the deepest hours that not only God loves and cares for me but also other widows walk beside me in this journey. thank you Ferree for writing this book. love it. Terrie k.
This book was so wonderful and really helped me. It seemed like the words were actually reaching into the deep hurt that I felt after losing my husband. I wish every widow could read this. -Ginny
This book meant a lot to me at a time when I needed it most. At a time of deep loss and searching for some way to survive I read this book. I found someone who understood this journey and found her way though it. This was an invaluable resource to survive this journey. -Dorothy