Thank you that we can bring our burdens and questions, pains and sorrows to you. You don't turn away even when Christmas remembrances break down our defenses. We wonder, we doubt, we question, "How did the supposed-to-be happiest days of life turn into the most painful?"
Lord, only You know the answer to that question. You define how life is "supposed to be." Help us trust! You have numbered our days, they were written in your book before we even existed. (Psalm 139). You know. You care. You love us through it all. We praise you for the promise that although we are crushed, we will not be broken. You bring beauty from these ashes, and you will make the widow's heart sing.
In light of who you are then, and knowing that you abundantly work your will to break through these trials, I pray that the comfort and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of widows today would bring forth the following GIFTS.
Strengthen them to - g - GIVe their time to others and take joy in their accomplishments.
Help them to - I - Invent meaningful ways to creatively celebrate your goodness in spite of their grief. Truly, your faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting and your mercies endure forever.
Lead them and enable them to - f - FACe their challenges. Bring them tangible help and encouragement. Help them to realize and overcome temptations and self-pity.
Give them - t - TEnDERNESS that is tough and resilient. Tough tenderness to live each day to its fullest, to deeply love the people who are still in their lives; let their sorrow not be wasted, but fan it to a passion for living with honor and hope.
And finally, Lord, open their tear-filled eyes to - s - SEe your gifts each day. From the gentlest breeze, an encouraging touch, a comical pet, or the sparkle of tossing a coin in a Salvation Army bell-ringer's bucket, each moment matters. Each widow matters. They are here for a reason until the day you lead them home.
Through these gifts may they greet this Christmas with Hope.
James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Thank you, Ferree. This is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you Ferree for this beautiful prayer. I am especially touched by "T" and "S".
ReplyDeleteThis inspired me I have been a Widow since 2008 and I have searched for stories that help me keep my perspective close to God and His Grace... Thank you love sharing your heart so sweet..
ReplyDeleteGrateful Kyra Ketcheson
Kona Hawaii
Thank you for commenting dear friends. I hope you had a meaningful Christmas and that the Lord will come through for you and draw you even closer to Himself in 2016.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this. It's so beautiful. Coming up on my 10th Christmas without my husband, and this year is particularly emotional for me.
ReplyDeleteGrief knows no boundaries, including years. But then, neither does love or gratitude. Hugs to you on this momentous Christmas, to not remember and not be touched by it would be even sadder. My heart goes out to you, Linda L. May the Lord surprise you with his love and mercy this year.