2/03/2012 * Linda * Steve (61) Colon Cancer * Christian (29); Jonathan (27); Stephen (25); Alyse (24); Daniel (22); Elijah (21); Shalam (20); Genesis (18); Moses (17); Isaiah (15); Joshua (13); Chaniel (10) * He was a man of great faith and a tremendous expositor of the Word of God. Serving in the ministry for almost 40 years, he loved seeing God change lives. He was also a staunch protector and defender of our family. We miss his presence, his wisdom and his guidance. I will never be the same, but I know that God is not through with me. I am also comforted to know that he is with the LORD and I will see him again someday.
2/9/2011 * Lynn * Frank-Head and neck cancer * one son, Jamie, age 31 * So glad you cherished me and I you, for 36 wonderful years. So proud of your love for your fellow man and how you ministered to them
2/10/2012 * Judy * Bill, had surgery and didn't wake up. He had been diagnosed with several serious health issues past 6 years. * Kim (49), Scott (45), Tim (43), Heather (35), Josh (26). * Bill, you will live on in our hearts forever.
2/12/2015 * Rhonda * William, heart disease (weakened heart muscle) * David, 36, Andy-35, Chris-33, LaShawn—31 * I was blessed to have him for 18 years the doctors said we would not see; A loving pastor, husband, father, best friend. Some days are better than others as we move forward in life w/o him physically with us, but holding to memories and God’s Word which assures us of a great reunion * CoMo, MO
2/13/ 2014 * Hope * Arthur went home at 83 after four years of seriously declining health. We were 26 and 31 when the Lord brought us together for almost 54 precious years. For some reason we were unable to have children, but the Lord blessed us with opportunities to help other’s kids. A month before he went to Paradise with Jesus, Arthur wondered aloud why the Lord didn’t take him. He was never pain-free and life was getting too hard. Though he could get around with his walker, he was so weary. The second time he commented about the Lord’s allowing him to still be with me, I told him that it was because I needed him. But then I added that when life simply got too hard, it was okay to go. The day I admitted him to the hospital for the last time (though I didn’t know the end was so near), I told him again that if this was time, it was okay to leave me. He smiled and said he was okay then. But I am convinced overnight he changed his mind. He had made provision for me after his passing. He knew I would be cared for, and some day we’d be together forever. I spent several hours with him the next morning. Mid-afternoon I went home to take care of our dog. While I was gone I think he looked up to heaven and asked Jesus to come for him. I was on the way back to the hospital when the doctor called to tell me he had passed. I knew he was with the Lord enjoying His presence and a body that was whole. I loved him enough to let him go. He lives in my heart and will until I am with him forever. I know the Lord’s plans for our lives were/are perfect. Together we lived for Jesus and served Him as best we could. I rejoice that Arthur’s body is whole…and I can’t wait to join him. God’s grace meets all my daily needs. UPSTATE NY
2/13/2012 * Carol * Rich. No illness, died suddenly of a pulmonary embolis just one month shy of his 48th birthday. * Two daughters - Ashley (22), and Cassidy (20) * An outgoing, lively person. He worked with troubled youth for over 27 years. I miss him more and think about him more than I thought possible. * Upstate New York
2/13/2009 * Bridgett * Kent - brain cancer * Joshua (7), Ethan (5) and Nolan (4) * 2 Cor. 1:9 & 1 Thes. 4:13-14.
2/15/2012 * Teri Ollila * Eric Ollila, Prostate Cancer, age 57 * Andrea 30, Sarah 25, Matt 19 * Our lives have changed forever, we hold your love in our hearts. We look forward to seeing you again.
2/15/2000 * Ferree * Bruce-brain anyuerism * Brooke,19; Lisa,16; Brad, 14 * We'll love you forever. (grateful God sent Tom, remarried in 2002).
2/16/2014 * Laura Anne Sullivan * Frank E. Sullivan * The day, February 16th, 2014 * The cause, Heart Attack * The Children, Jeff, Joyce, Luke, Hannah and Isaac * The Result, I have lost the one person who loved me, who was my best friend, who cared for me, who was always there... I have been lost ever since, lost in grief, lost in fear, lost in loneliness...When I lost Frank, I lost myself.
2/16/2014 * Linda * Michael - 1.75 year battle against kidney cancer * Mark 35, Greg 31, and Laura 36. * We were married for 42 years, were blessed in so many ways including our children,
their spouses, and 2 grandchildren.
02/19/2013 * Celia * Bill, 72 * After 9 years of suffering from side effects of radiation and chemo for base of tongue cancer, he had heart value replacement surgery (damaged from radiation). He survived surgery, came home and 2 days later was rushed back to the hospital unresponsive. He had had several mini strokes. He was starting to improve but on Saturday night had a bigger stroke and another on Sunday night. He lived two more days after that. * Bill, you are the love of my life. I love and miss you so much.
2/19/2011 * Cheri * Ward died of a massive heart attack after having back pains that his doctor said was muscle pain. He worked hard all that week, so it was unexpected. * Son, Paul was 40, and our daughter Keli, was 8. * Ward died in Hawaii. I have since moved to California to be near my son and his family.
2/19/2005 * Vivian * Dale, 67, died in a "one in a million accident" as stated in an article in the Golf Magazine. He loved playing golf and retired early to be a Marshall at the local golf course. Our son Scott was playing golf one day, and Dale was woking so he went to watch him. He hid behind a tree like he should, but Scott's drive hit a tree branch and then hit Dale in the back of his neck. It ruptured the large blood vessel in his neck and he was unconcious within minutes. He had told me 3 days before that when he died he wanted me to donate his organs (which I did) because he knew he would die before me. * Married 43 yrs * Lynnette (41), Philip (39), Scott (31), Deanna & Dean (29)* You were loved by everyone who know you but especially by me. You taught me what love was since I had not experienced it before. I was so privileged to have you as a husband and father for our children. I miss you more than you could have ever known. I wish I had told and showed you more than I did how much you meant to me. I am so thankful that you taught us all to love God and we all look forward to spending eternity with you.
2/20/2013 * Lucie * Ivan - his aorta burst * Tomas age 19, Michael age 16, Simon age 3, Jonah (stepson) age 17, Vaclav (stepson) age 21, Elishka (stepdaughter) age 19 * there is hope that goes behind the death, I know his existence continues * Czech Republic
2/21/2014 * Karen Jeffers * Neil Jeffers, Heart Attack * Marty (42), Amy (31), Jason(29) * The man who taught me what real love was all about died at home at age 59 from a heart attack and I was with him. I am thankful to God I was there. He was a wonderful, happy, joyful person to everyone he met and left lasting impressions of laughter. I am so grateful he came to really know Jesus before he died and that I will be with him again. Neil, I love you always and forever. * San Antonio, TX
2/21/2013 *Jean* Tom- Sudden Heart Attack * Children - Jeremy (39), Nathan (37), Jason (35), Mark (33), Paul (32), Sarah (29). * I'll always love him, remember our life here together, and the special love we shared. Although I miss him deeply, I know he is in Heaven and we will be together for eternity celebrating with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
2/21/2012 * Gail * Lawrence, died of Colon cancer, aged 54 * Nat (31), TJ (29), James (26), Mandy(20) * I am so grateful to know my honey is in the Lord's hands and that we will meet again at the Resurrection. It has been a hard year and I have missed him sorely, selling the house and moving and then putting on a 21st party for my daughter last month was the hardest. I have been receiving your emails and they have been a great comfort to me! Bless all you other widows who are here for each other! - New Zealand.
2/22/2015 * Stella. * My husband Sam passed away 2/22/15. * We were married for only 72-days. He was 73-yrs old & I am 65-yrs old. The last 20-days he was hospitalized with pneumonia then went into hospice care. * I have hope that we will see each other again one day.
2/23/2015 * Paula * Don, passed away from cancer * He was my best friend and soul mate * NY
2/24/2012 * LoriAnne * Roger - a 2 year battle with Pancreatic Cancer * 3 children (adults): Anna (32, Sarai (28), Jared (22) * I never knew how horrendous this 'grief thing' was going to be, until I was thrown into it! Yes, my husband fought this dreaded cancer for 2 years; but we held fast that the Lord was going to heal him here on this earth. The final 2 mths, he was very sick and I had to watch as the cancer ravaged his body. I am thankful he is now whole once again and yes, HEALED; and with our Savior and full of joy! But I that remain here on this earth, desperately miss him & find myself torn in 2. We shared such a complete love & he was the dearest man. Will these tears ever stop flowing....I am so alone without him. I put all my faith & trustin my Lord & I know He will get me thru this one day at a time. As the Bible says; HE is my husband now & takes care of the widows! * Oregon
2/27/2012 * Karen * Frank, age 58, heart rupture * two sons, Nate 27, Brandon 26 and one grandson whom he loved, Luke 28 months. * We were married 34 years. We were talking out in the yard and he just fell forward. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I don't understand but I choose to trust the Lord. It's a daily choice.
2/28/2010 * Ramona * Jimmy – congestive heart failure * Jessica, 21 *It’s such a comfort to know you are with Jesus, but we miss you still and will love you always * FL
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5:10
I shared that verse with the 20 ladies who visited me in December for "A Weekend With the Author," and wow! What a promise from God's Word! Thank you for reminding us all, Swans, it's perfect for this month's Memorial Wall.