4/2/2012 * Darlene * John, age 54 * Melissa 27, Shawna 24, one granddaughter age 21 months * Cause of Death - Drowning *John was an avid Hunter and Fisherman all his teenage and adult life.
The fact that he only had daughters didn't stop him from teaching them everything he enjoyed, and when they got married passed it onto his son-in-laws as well. John left for his final ice fishing trip with friends on March 30, 2012 and on April 2nd the ATV he was on fell through the ice, he tried making it back to shore; the friend he was with tried to get to him, but it wasn't meant to be. John's last words to his friend were to tell Darlene "I Love her and to pray for him"! My life since then has been a roller coaster of emotions, and I thank the Lord for sites like this that let you know you are not alone. John was the love of my life and so much more. I praise God for the 31 years we had together, and the chance he got to experience being a Grandpa. God is my strength!!! * Manitoba, Canada
4/3/2012 * Teri * Jack J. Brandstatter - Massive Heart attack * Stacey age 20 1/2; Kevin 19 (on 4.2.12) * Our anniversary date 9/17/83 - together since 9/17/77 - 35 years; I know he is at peace from the stresses of life and is in heaven preparing a place for me and his family - awaiting our reunion.
* Northwest suburbs of Chicago, Ill
4/7/2012 * Sue * Mike* - My precious husband battled a skin cancer for 40 years and always won, until a new cancer came along and took his life. He was a precious soul. He always stayed positive, grateful, and thankful for each day, even though he underwent over 14 major surgeries to his face, resulting in the loss of his right eye, skull bone, palate and was left with his face badly disfigured. We were together 23 years, married for 16. He loved me more than any person could and I have been so lost without him. I know God has a plan for me and I hold on to His promises every day. His promise of eternity is my focus. Thank you for this site, it has already brought me great comfort. God bless all who mourn, it has been pure anguish...
4/13/2014 * Carla Cass. * Johnathan, in a motorcycle wreck. * We have 3 children: Emily then 13, Nate (Johnathan jr.) then 11, and Andrew then 8. * Johnathan was killed instantly in a motorcycle crash when a truck pulled out in front of him. I felt and still feel lost and confused, but the number of people his life touched was amazing!! There was literally no room left in the church! People had to park down the road and many stood outside the door! I've never seen that many people at a funeral before! It was truly awesome. 4/7/2012 * Sue * Mike* - My precious husband battled a skin cancer for 40 years and always won, until a new cancer came along and took his life. He was a precious soul. He always stayed positive, grateful, and thankful for each day, even though he underwent over 14 major surgeries to his face, resulting in the loss of his right eye, skull bone, palate and was left with his face badly disfigured. We were together 23 years, married for 16. He loved me more than any person could and I have been so lost without him. I know God has a plan for me and I hold on to His promises every day. His promise of eternity is my focus. Thank you for this site, it has already brought me great comfort. God bless all who mourn, it has been pure anguish...
4/16/2015 * Maria * Kevin; unknown virus, he died the day before my birthday and 12 days before our third anniversary. * Owen, 19 (my son from my first marriage) and Victoria, 30 (my daughter, also from my first marriage. She and her husband have six wonderful children who bring much joy to my heart). My husband had six children from his first marriage, two are teens still at home with their mother. * This is the second time I have been widowed in 6 years. It's very difficult, but God is my Rock and my Fortress. When I think of my husband, I think of this verse: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." He was a man who hungered and thirsted after righteousness - and he was satisfied. * Ohio
4/16/2012 * Tammy * William * Killed in automobile accident * William IV/ 23, Alexander/ 21 * We had a deal! We die old and I go first! Obviously God had a different plan. * Rhode Island4/18/2012 *Joanita * Ian, Lung Cancer * Shane (8) and Elana (7) * You were my Love, my best friend and biggest cheerleader . It's really painful that I never got to say goodbye. * United Kingdom
4/18/2011 * Patti * Shady Mays-- in his sleep an hour before I awoke (the Lord tapped him on his shoulder and he left -- no goodbye) * Ricky Litteral age 33, Matt Litteral age 23; Amy Beth Mays, age 33. His special buddy, Ellis Litteral, age 13. * -- we had just returned from our district church assembly and he had preached on Sunday (seemed fine and had been to his uncles visitation service Sunday night as his uncle was buried on the day he died -- very hard for his dear mother). We have been married 21 years (both our second marriage) although we dated in high school. He had left his direction with God and when we got together he was saved and took up his calling again to pastor. He became an ordained elder. He was getting ready to graduate with a BSN in ministerial studies. He was the pastor of a small Nazarene church (a great family). He was my husband and I loved him very much. He is missed by many and by me.
4/20/2012 * Abby * My soulmate and husband, Karl, died from melanoma at age 52. A thirty year GA State Trooper * Children include a daughter and three sons * We love you and miss you greatly. You taught us much in life AND death.
4/20/2012 * Gina * “Ricky” * In Loving Memory of Reginald C. Tardy Sr. “Ricky” * He was the wind beneath my wings and on April 20, 2012 he died of a heart attack. For four long years he battled diabetes with the love of Christ for others in his heart for the saved and unsaved. He sojourned through several bypass surgeries. Our wedding anniversary was April 17. Day by day I think of how much he supported our sons, grandchildren and friends with simple kindness and faithfulness. I will always love you. Gina
4/21/2012 *Janice * Johnny, accident * Joshua (9) Caleb (7) * Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain. O God, where do I go from here? * Southern California
4/24/2013 * Dale * Dean, died April 24, 2013 age of 58 from an 8 month battle with melanoma * Jonathan 30; Jason 29; Kristi 24 * He was looking forward to being a grandfather. His grandson was born 5 months after his death. He was always my encourager....a gentle Godly giant. We were married just shy of 33 years. Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. The verse that keeps me moving forward.
4/24/2011 * Barbara * Phil died on Easter Sunday. We were married 33 years * Daughters: Laurie 32, Jennifer 29, and Lisa 26, and Granddaughter Evie-9 months * He was an amazing and compassionate husband, father and grandfather. * Iowa
4/26/2011 * Kathy * Ron, age 62, Stroke * Heath, age 37; Josh, age 34 * I hold you in my heart until I hold you in Heaven! * Texas4/30/2013 * Gina * Xavier, non-Hodgkins lyphoma. * Stepson, Christopher 35. * I lost my precious husband and best friend on that day. I carry on as he would want but miss him everyday. He is with the Lord and his body is whole once more. * Texas
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