Thank you very much and God bless you, ♥ ferree

5/4/2012 * Marisol * J.D. - Fatal cardiac arythmia * Seth 17, Samuel 15, Sean 12, Stuart 10, Shay 6, Sophia 4 * J, love you and miss you so very much. Can't wait to see you in heaven when my time comes. * Texas
5/4/2011 * Leah * Chris - suicide * Daughter (Anna) - 14 * My broken heart longs for you with each passing day, but I am so thankful to know that we'll spend eternity together in heaven! * North Carolina
5/10/2010 * Priscilla * Joel, Male Breast Cancer * Becca 35, Stephanie 33, Melissa 30, son-in law Jon 34 and precious granddaughter Madeline 22 months * I grieve deeply, because I was loved lavishly. So deeply grateful for the assurance that my sweet man is safe home. Thanking God for His mercies which are new every morning and for His faithful hand that sustains me in the darkest moments. * Southern California
5/11/2015 * Linda * Randall * My husband died after 17 months of battling cancer, and 20 days before he was to retire. We were looking forward to many years of retirement fun. He was an extremely healthy and active man so this cancer was a shocking development. My only consolation is that he is with his Heavenly Father, pain free!! * Washington State
5/11/ 2011 * Chato * Joenard, complications of diabetes * Jeremiah, 15 and Raphael, 13 * Dad, we love you and you will always be our inspiration. * Paranaque City, Philippines
5/12/2011 * Tammy * Husband Chris * Pancreatic Cancer * Jennifer 28, Brian 27, Paul 25, Joseph 23, Katlin 21 * Chris passed 4 days before our 30th anniversary. He lived 5 yrs with Glioblastoma Multiforme Brain Cancer and then got a 2nd primary cancer which is the one he died from. * Los Alamitos, CA
5/15/2010 * Marilyn * Roy - cardiac arrest two weeks before his 63rd birthday, from complications due to diabetes & kidney failure. * Christina, 29; Matt 24, both miss him very much. His precious granddaughter, Jordynn, 2-1/2, still misses her "Bumpa" in heaven. * By God's grace, I'm learning to live this life without my friend and love of 36 years.
5/17/2014 * Pat * Darryl. Unexpected Heart attack. * Daughters Stephanie - 36 (FL resident), Rebecka - 32, Sarah - 29, and grandchildren Natalie - 8, Nicholas - 7 (FL residents with their Mom). * My Darryl was at times very hard core and difficult to live with but in last few years through prayer and waiting on the Lord he was mellowing and trying to be a loving person. We always believed in keeping the vows we took on our wedding day, trusting God to see us through the difficult issues. Even though we had bad times in our life, I still miss him and am weepy for him. Through the grace of our Lord, we are blessed with many good memories also. Please say an extra prayer for our youngest daughter Sarah who is having an especially hard time with her Dad's death. * Maryland
5/17/2012 * Emma * Harlan, age 70, Aspiration pneumonia complications. * Married almost 42 years. * Daughters are Jennifer and Emily. * Eight precious grandchildren who miss their grandpa. * God blesses us with many memories.
5/17/2012 *Verla * Bernard * Had Multiple Systems Atrophy for 4 1/2 years (a neurological disease) We were married 46 years. * Four living children, Shelli, Darren, Jenifer, Clint * Minnesota
5/17/2009 * Maria * Kevin - brain cancer (glioblastoma multiforme) * Victoria, 25; Owen 14 * You are never out of my heart. I cannot wait to see you as you are now, and to enjoy the fullness of Christ together as we were originally intended. Thank you for cherishing me, for being a fantastic father to our children, and for the legacy of godly teaching you left behind to hundreds of people - producing fruit with seed in it.
5/20/2009 * Nancy * David, sudden heart attack * This year, 2014, will be my 5-year anniversary. He went to get hay for our horses, and I never got to say goodbye, as he passed away after pulling his truck over to the side of the road, he must not have felt well. There was not one hay bale out of place, he had pulled over safely. A farmer found him right after it happened. I had a police officer and coroner come to my front door to tell me it had happened, I did not want to speak to them, I immediately knew my David was absent from the body and present in the spirit. His passing occurred 2 months after both of my parents died in our home (we had been caregiving them, my mom had cancer, my dad multiple heart issues- they passed within 2 months of each other, then Dave 2 months later.
5/21/2012 * Carol * Leon - died as a result of complications of COPD. * I have a vacant place in my life now and my heart still aches for him. I look forward to being reunited again one day * TN
5/22/2011 * Linda * Ken - Complications of stroke * He loved me unconditionally and I miss that every day. In his last days God gave him several visions of heaven and he was excited to go home. One of his last statments to me was 'I don't understand why people don't do what they need to do to get to heaven because it's so wonderful there." I know he is happy now.
5/26/2012 * Claudia * Fernando – Organ Failure * Cristiano (5) and Jannita (2) * He will always be the love of my life and soul mate. We love and miss him and look forward to being reunited with him one day. * Johannesburg, South Africa
5/28/11 * Julie * Josh -- lymphoma (cancer) * Emma. She was 9 years old (two weeks away from being 10) when Josh passed away. * Josh was a young 35 years old when he passed away. I was blessed to enjoy 12 years of marriage to him. He loved life and loved "his girls." He fought a valiant fight with cancer. He never asked "why me?" and inspired me with the strength of his faith. I always expected him to go first, but not to die so young. He inspires me to do something great with my life and I hope he is proud of what I have accomplished thus far. * Washington State
5/29/2014 * Peggy * Robert died from complications from HepC. His cause of death was Hemorrhagic Shock - he bled to death internally. * No children * I miss Bobby so much. I don't know how people get through this brutal thing. It was an honor to know and love this man. It was an honor to be loved by this man. The world is less bright because he is no longer in it. * Crestline, California
5/30/2012 * Jayne * David; cardiac arrest (likely) * Children - Saralyn (41) and Chad (38); 6 grandchildren * Dave was only 67 years old and his death was totally unexpected. I found him sitting in front of his computer, looking like he had fallen asleep. He was a good father and great grandfather, a hard worker and very artistic. He is now celebrating a new life with Jesus. I know
this was all in God's plan, and right now I don't like it very much. Thank you for 45 years together.
Northeast Ohio
5/31/2001 * Claudette * Glenn - COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Emphyzema * Kelly (daughter) 25; Alex (son) 21 * Glenn and I were together for thirty years when he passed away. Even though he has been gone for 11 years, his death has had adverse effects on my children. * Texas
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