Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Prayer for Anxiety Vs. Relief

Wow, my email had so many responses to Anxiety Vs. Relief! Before I posted it and offered to pray specifically for the requests, I intended to also personally write back to each person too; I truly want to reach out. But I apologize that this time there are too many for me to write back to. I have prayed though, and I will continue praying for those I hear from by name.

Let's pray together right now, OK? Just take a few moments and join me. Anxiety and Relief are two words that resonated with widows' experiences on Monday, and we all need to join together and support each other in prayer. Let's pray ...

Dear Heavenly Father,

I'm just going to use one word, one heart cry--- Help! Lord, save! like Peter cried as he started to go under the waves, so too I cry out for my widow friends. I remember that deep, yearning loneliness, the echoes of an empty house, wondering why You took my husband instead of me, and how could I go on?

Yet there are piles of other things my friends face too: starting over with nothing but debt, fear of the future, and dread of the present day. Some have been cheated or robbed! And most feel abandoned and have a hard time really trusting You, if I were to be blunt. 

And I can say honest things; I can be blunt, for You know my heart and every word I will speak. Better yet, You know each situation and You've seen their hurt and pain. It comes as no surprise to You. 

There's a soft layer of comfort in that---in knowing You are not surprised. You are our rock, fortress, strong tower, and hiding place. So we run to you for refuge, mercy, protection. Save! Yes, save us! Protect my friends from the fiery darts of loneliness, emptiness, purposelessness, and pity. Renew and restore their spirits. Revive them with your love and faithfulness.

I ask these things because Jesus gave His life for us, so truly there is no good thing You will hold back from us in Your perfect time. Amen, from Your daughter, Ferree

P.S. Lord, could you send some good friends alongside each of them too? 

Dear ones, if you want to add a line of prayer to this, please click the comment line and type something in. Click "Anonymous" for the easiest identity choice if you'd like. I know your prayers will mean a lot to everyone, and the Lord will bless because of them.


  1. I am not a widow but I'm walking a journey with a good friend who lost her husband unexpectedly 3 months ago. Your blog has helped me in many ways. Thanks for loving and leading the way to wholeness.

    Praying daily for all. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!

    1. I truly appreciate hearing from you! Thank you for praying and also for bearing the burden with your newly widowed good friend. That's a ministry beyond words.


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