Monday, September 18, 2017

Autumn's Arrival Affects Our Feelings

Let's take a look at the calendar for September and October. Does it hold significant days for you? Perhaps a wedding anniversary or loved one's birthday? What about your own birthday? Will you make your cake this year?

Or how about the change of season?

Almost subconsciously, that change affects our feelings. Fragrant smells like burning leaves, pumpkins, tomatoes or apple cider recall dim pictures to our mind and poignant yearnings to our heart. Autumn especially speaks to me. Perhaps its because I'm in that season of my own life. These thoughts tumbled through my mind while I was down on my knees working the soil in Ohio one year, a string of strong metaphors as summer passes away...

by Ferree Hardy

Dry, brittle leaves crumble in my fingers
Like pages from a diary
a hundred years ago
smelling of spent sunshine

Others fold golden curls
Over slugs and molds
And work decay through winter
Unseen, unheard, unhindered

Yellow jackets buzz
Summoned by sticky sap
Unaware of days to come
Their wings brush my skin

All these days of autumn will "fall" upon us, be aware so they don't catch you by surprise. If you want to treat them like just another day, that's a valid option. If you want to open your senses and your heart to hold them close, then do something special, give them honor. The thing is-- you have a choice. Exercising that choice is a step towards life.

This September as you begin to see your garden fade, be mindful of the harvest too. Take hope and remember that God truly does work things together for our good ... even you. If you've already believed in Christ as your Savior from sin, begin to spend time in the Bible and learn to know Him as your Savior of the harvest: each memory, each breath, each tear... they all matter.

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