I Kings 17:7-16 "The Widow of Zarephath"

Now I don't know if Elijah said the word "me" all bold and italicized, but being a mom, I'm sure that's how the widow heard it. And we have to note that her town, Zarephath, was a coastal village north of Israel, in Phoenicia. This widow wasn't an Israelite; she lived in the heart of a pagan, idol- worshipping country. She might not have known Elijah from Adam, so her response to him is pretty astounding.
Instead of saying, "What? Are you crazy? I can't let us starve to death! Hit the road!" she used the last of her ingredients to bake him a little cake of bread.
After that though, oddly enough, she found enough ingredients to make some more for her son and herself. They'd live another day. Day after day she’d bake more bread to feed Elijah, herself and her son. She would use the last of her reserves and resources every day, but with each new day there was always more. Always enough.
Do you use up the last of your reserves every day? When you go to bed each night are you running on empty? So was this widow. But each new day brought her what she needed to survive. Her little bit of trust in God was renewed each day. God always provided just enough.
I think the widow of Zarephath would agree with Lamentations 3:22, 23.
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!"
Day after day God provides for us day by day.
It's not always more than we need, but we can be thankful it's never less than we need.
♥ ferree
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!"
Day after day God provides for us day by day.
It's not always more than we need, but we can be thankful it's never less than we need.
how do I connect with Going Ashore...tried to find it on Facebook...but it didn't come up...
Right, Trish, it doesn't show up in searches because it's for members only---a nice extra measure of security and confidentiality. If you'd like to join just send me (Ferree Hardy) a friend request on Facebook PLUS send me a message with the name of the group and the date you were widowed.