Monday, May 20, 2019

Learning the Single Life

Dear Ones, I just feel led to repost this today, maybe it's for you or someone you know...

I know that no one wants to admit this about being single and lonely-- I sure didn't--the word is Vulnerable.
I preferred to think I was strong and independent, and I was, but I was sort of blind-sided by how extremely vulnerable and sensitive I was when widowed and single.
What I found when I first started dating was best described as this: I was in the habit of loving a man for 22 years, so I attached myself emotionally to the first one who came along, and then the next one, and on and on.

Finally I realized this, and you maybe you're like this too:

I'd been a really good wife---
I knew how to love, help and be compatible---I'd make a great wife for just about any man.
But NOT just any man would be a good husband for me. 

Widowhood is hard.
Being single is lonely, I totally understand. 
But jumping into a bad marriage is worse than being widowed.
Guard your heart and your children! Don't rush. Don't force God's timing. If God wants you to be remarried, you'll be remarried. The right man is worth the wait.

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