Monday, April 20, 2020

Rough Week? This Might Help

Did last week seem like a let down for you? Everyone was quieter than usual, like the reality of this virus battle is setting in as we realize it could be a long run.

Isolation is the last thing, one of the worst things for widows and those who grieve. Please pray for covid-19 widows who can't even have a funeral for their husbands, plus they must quarantine for 14 days... I know you can understand and especially sympathize with them.

Beware, too, of how easily despair and depression can move in on you. It'll soon be one-year since the Lord kicked the slats out of my life again. I've done a lot of "Face Time"---face to the floor time, that is! Crying, crying out to God, and crying again. I've read a lot of books about suffering--a dirty word among many Christians--but totally legit and pretty much normal. And I've talked to caretakers, widows, counselors, searched the Internet, etc etc about how to plow through without losing your mind or killing yourself.

And you know what? Finally, I am not afraid. This is hard, it sucks the life out of me on some days, but God wins. He is in control. He loves me (and you), and will bring about my good (and yours) and his glory. (I wish he'd hurry up!) But until then, I use this "diary" to help me focus on what's really important.

Would you like to try it out too? It pulls together excellent and safe things that research proves effective in warding off and alleviating depression and anxiety. Now if you have some severe symptoms of depression and anxiety like insomnia, headaches, heart palpitations, weight loss, wearing the same clothes for two weeks, hoarding etc., get to a doctor pronto---they really really really can help. If you've been feeling beyond help---you are not. Go to the doctor today.

But if you want to help yourself avoid all this, then try keeping this diary for at least 21 days. This is a sample. I will post it in a 2 page format to be copied as soon as I find someone to help me figure that one out. Or, I will email it to you along with further explanation about how to do it. Send your request to me at I will also be praying for you.

Tell me about your week, and send me a friend request on Facebook too.ferree

Month:                                                             CASTING MY CARES ON GOD DIARY                                  week of:_____to______
Highlights from church:
Problems, choices, etc. challenging me this week:
Something positive from the past 24 hours:
People, things or events I’m grateful for:
One Bible verse or inspirational thought to carry with me today:
A kind thing I did:
Music that meant a lot to me:
Exercise              Bible reading              Specific prayer time    
Something positive from the past 24 hours:
More people, things or events I’m grateful for:
One Bible verse or inspirational thought to carry with me today:
A kind thing I did:
Music that meant a lot to me:
Exercise              Bible reading              Specific prayer time    
Something positive from the past 24 hours:
Even more people, things or events I’m grateful for:
One Bible verse or inspirational thought to carry with me today:
WEDNESDAY continued
A kind thing I did:
Music that meant a lot to me:
Exercise              Bible reading              Specific prayer time    
Something positive from the past 24 hours:
People, things or events I’m grateful for:
One Bible verse or inspirational thought to carry with me today:
A kind thing I did:
Music that meant a lot to me:
Exercise              Bible reading              Specific prayer time    
Something positive from the past 24 hours:
People, things or events I’m grateful for:
One Bible verse or inspirational thought to carry with me today:
A kind thing I did:
Music that meant a lot to me:
Exercise              Bible reading              Specific prayer time    
Review the notes you’ve made this week and highlight or mark the things which were most significant to you.
What life giving word or action from God spoke to you this week?


  1. Thank you for this. I just copied and pasted this to save in my computer. It's been 41 days since I've left my property. I am thankful though for my 1/4 acre that has gardens for me to work in and enjoy. This has been rough, but God is my strength and through Him I can do all things. A younger friend picks up groceries for me.

    God bless widows around the world, may they find peace and help during this pandemic.


  2. 41 DAYS! You are living the truth that God is your strength and you can do all things through HIM. Many blessings on you Lorraine, enjoy your gardens. I love to visit your blog and hope others will too.

  3. In case anyone doesn't know where to find Flower Lady Lorraine:

  4. Oh, somehow I missed this and I’m glad you referred to it again today (5/18). This is wonderful, and I’m going to begin today.

    This past Saturday I ended week 9 of my personal quarantine. That's 63 days, or 1512 hours (give or take). I've accomplished some good things, fallen short on others, and kept (for the most part) to a good daily routine. I've tried new recipes. I've cleared things out of "his" room, with a lot more organization to go -- and yes, I've shed tears, but I've laughed and found love too. Snowball (my care bear) and I have taken rides, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery God has placed around here. I'm still as sane as ever, however I look like wild woman hair wise. I've had days where I drew closer to God, and days where I pulled away. Still, I'm so thankful I belong to the Lord, and know that He is in control.

  5. 63 days by now! Oh my, at least we're not holed up in an ARK full of animals! Keep on keeping on Mrs. Mac. If you need me to send you the diary pages by either email or snail mail just let me know. Praising Him for YOU and His work in your life!


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